W4: MBA Level – Writing Assignment

W4: MBA Level – Writing Assignment

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.Make sure to fully answer all four questions. Do not need to type out all questions, but need to include question numbers for each answer.

Total of 4 complete pages. Double space and 12 pt. font size. One-inch margins.

· Clearly demonstrates knowledge of the course content by integrating both major and minor concepts into the paper; all application points are well tied together with solid arguments.

· Well thought out all questions; exceptionally well-presented and argued; presented a large amount of specific examples and detailed descriptions for answers; all argument has sufficient examples, evidence from the course content.

· The paper is extremely well organized with proper question numbers; no more than one violation of grammar, spelling error, and excellent use of formal language; clearly cited references in the text.

Article 1 Questions:

Article 1:https://www.inc.com/magazine/20101001/guidebook-how-to-hire-for-creativity.html

1. Does it seem to be harder to hire for creativity than to hire for good task performance? Why or why not?

2. Can interview questions be used to assess creativity? What about other personality traits?

Article 2 Questions:

Article 2: http://fortune.com/2013/11/22/the-temper-tantrum-the-key-to-smart-management/

Question 1. In what ways do temper tantrums relate to the different forms of emotional intelligence?

Question 2. How might bad tempers have contributed to the success of the entrepreneurs and tech titans discussed in the article? How and when might bad tempers be a disadvantage to these individuals?