Ethics in Criminal Justice

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Module 1 Reading Review

This assignment has three parts. Please follow the directions below. Please upload your paper here. 

Part 1 – Exercise: Ethics in Criminal Justice: Screen and share a short video or a current news item on any Ethics in Criminal Justice topic you can find and one that is also interesting to you. Determine how it relates to our readings. Then discuss how your example relates by using at least ONE of the possible ten discussion questions found at the end of Chapter 3, Page 83. This portion of your review should be about one double-spaced page or about 250 words. 

Part 2 – Research Brief: Next, you will be responsible for collecting a contemporary (last 5-10 years) peer-reviewed research article example that you will use to illustrate a point that you can draw out from the ethical issue identified above. For example, maybe you want to provide some insight into illicit drug dealing by correctional officers in prisons. This portion should be written in “brief” format. It must contain the following sections: 1) the source (cite the source using APA style); 2) what the main question(s)/point(s) is/are – and how it relates to your topic (a paragraph or two); 3) a brief description of the research methodology (e.g. interviews or observations, the who, what, when, where, etc.; three -four sentences will likely do here); and, 4) an overview of the findings and conclusions (probably a couple/few paragraphs). This part of your assignment should be no less than a page and a half and no more than two pages, double spaced, or about 400-500 words. 

Part 3 – Reflection: This is your opportunity to reflect and share your thoughts and opinions on your chosen topic. There is no right or wrong answer here – I would just like to provide you the opportunity to share any insight, thoughts, opinions, and questions, you might have. This section should be between three-quarters and one-page in length, or about 250 words. 

In all, the written portion of this assignment, which you will upload here, should be no less than three to no more than four pages in length, double spaced. Please use 12pt Times New Roman font and standard 1″ margins. Please note: efforts to make more look less or less look more will negatively impact your grade.  APA formatting should always be followed, including and especially proper citation and references. 

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